Welcome to FrostyGarden.com!  This is our experience of gardening in the subarctic.

Here is the brief lay of the land:

  • Our Topics section covers deep dives into various cold climate gardening techniques and methods we use for family-scale subarctic food production.  From beginner to advanced, we’ve got something for you.
  • Our Blog features our social media posts and other short, garden related musingsNot on Facebook?  You won’t miss a thing!  Hundreds of one minute reads!
  • If you are looking for Alaska or general northern seed planting schedules or sowing schedules, we have published ours here.
  • If you’ve been here before and you want to know what’s new, check out our change log!
  • You can search our site with the search bar, located at the bottom of every page!

If you would like to find us on social media, you can follow us on:

  • Facebook (Mostly daily seasonal posts, intermittent off-season posts)
  • YouTube (New seasonal videos every 1 to 4 weeks)
  • Rumble (New seasonal videos every 1 to 4 weeks)
  • Instagram (Intermittent seasonal posts)
  • Pinterest (Pins to our interesting content)

The Frosty Gardens

We are a couple of active gardeners that moved to Fairbanks, Alaska in 2015.  Though we were practiced cold climate growers, the Interior of Alaska has pushed everything we know about cold climate gardening to a whole new level.

We currently operate several gardens in Fairbanks, Alaska:

  • 1,600 square foot in-ground food garden at Fairbanks Community Garden.
  • 160 square foot off-grid raised bed food garden
  • 100 site off-grid sub-irrigated container food garden
  • 48 square foot off-grid raised bed perennial flower garden
  • 64 square foot off-grid raised bed annual cut flower garden
  • 36 square foot off-grid raised bed perennial food garden
  • 100 square foot off-grid perennial subarctic rose garden
  • Two whiskey barrel experimental container gardens
  • Several dozen off-grid annual flower container gardens
  • A subarctic food forest of many food bearing perennial plants

Subarctic gardening pushed us, as gardeners, to develop an entire ecosystem around extreme cold climate food production.  It is a fascinating topic that has taken us years to get good at.  We are still nowhere near masters.

It is our desire to explore larger scale semi-urban subarctic gardening and other ideas to expand our self-sustainability with regard to food.  Subarctic food security is a big deal for us.

The information we provide is focused on assisting the northern gardener with essential information on how to be a successful grower and exploring self-sustainability in the subarctic.

We will continue to refine our systems and techniques to make subarctic gardening easier and more successful.  Our personal goal is to grow and forage as much food as we can without having to become full-time farmers.

What Can You Learn At Frosty Garden?

While we are specifically gardening in Fairbanks, Alaska, the techniques and methods we promote are relevant to any cold climate gardener. 

Whether you live in Alaska, Canada, Scandinavia, the northern Lower-48, at high elevation or any other cold climate region, our techniques & efforts can help you!

Whenever sensible, we try to focus on low-budget or DIY gardening solutions, but we also adopt the right commercial solutions.  We also advocate for community gardening in our gardening efforts.  While growing your own food does need some investment, it doesn’t have to be expensive.

We have experience using a variety of growing techniques including traditional gardening, permaculture, container gardening, indoor gardening and hydroponics.

You are invited to take part in our blog, ask questions, offer tips and tricks of your own!  Point out our mistakes or omissions!  We warmly welcome fellow Alaskan and other cold climate gardeners and hope that we can build up public knowledge together.

We hope that you enjoy your stay here at FrostyGarden.com!