Collaborate With!

As we have grown our site and social media presence, we have been asked to collaborate across various gardening and growing spaces.

In general, we are open to collaborating with other groups, volunteer organizations and organizations aligned with similar interests. At Your Event

Examples of the types of custom tailored engagements we can perform:

  • Brief or long form education focused talks & discussions
  • Topic focused talks & discussions
  • Meetings with garden clubs or community gardens
  • Written guides, publications and information sources
  • Source referencing for books, magazines, newspapers & publications
  • We are open to other ideas & presentation formats Areas Of Expertise

Examples of our general areas of expertise include the following topics:

  • General cold climate growing & gardening
  • Basic to advanced cold climate gardening techniques
  • Growing gardens from seed indoors
  • Troubleshooting plants & plant health
  • Large scale garden planning
  • Greenhouses & temperature control
  • Indoor grow room design & implementation
  • Soil building, composting & in-ground soil correction
  • Specific plant growing techniques

We don’t have “hard and fast” rules about things like compensation or expense handling.  Our efforts in this space are a labor of love.  Thus, we generally assess each opportunity based on community benefit, our availability and the means of the organization.

Per our copyright claim to all things on this site, we generally do not permit unreferenced citation or direct copy of our content.  We are not against sharing our information and are interested in collaboration.  We appreciate citation and exposure for our hard work!

And just to be super clear!  If you’re compelled to share our content and the resources we work hard to put out there, we adore any exposure you’re willing to offer us.  Thank you!

If you think we might be a good fit for your organization or project, the best way to start the process is to get in touch!

Contact Us! → Media Kit

If you need a media kit with our logos on varying background colors, please visit the following link:

This kit is often better than downloading images from our website as you can pick your color choices, get non-transparent images and also fully adhere to our chosen color palettes.

Our current media kit is largely suitable for web communications, email lists and other “screen based” media formats.  If you need higher quality graphics for print purposes, please get in touch.