We know it doesn’t look or feel like gardening season is upon us! As I write this, snow is lightly falling and overnight temperatures are still regularly dipping into the negatives.
Pretty much every season, the extremes of what we’re still experiencing winter-wise strike us as completely incompatible with gardening. I don’t know that we will ever “get used to it.”
Yet, here we are. We get started with our gardens this weekend! We are approaching 12 weeks to last frost! It’s always an exciting undertaking, at the beginning of the season, when so much is still uncertain.
Will we have a warm, cold or just average summer season? What’s going to be our rock star crop this year? What will be our problem crops this year? Are we going to have a nice, gentle run up into spring or a last minute “spring” immediately followed by summer? (Looking at you sideways, 2023 season!)
So many unknowns. But, to us, that’s what makes gardening in the far north so darn exciting! We always have to be on our toes, ready for anything!
But, what is certain, is that soon enough the snow will melt away from our gardens. Warmer temperatures will return, the sun will feel oh so good on our skin. Life will spring from the ground, the trees will bud and we’ll again have pollinators flying everywhere around us. We’ll again be eating our food, harvested that very day, providing us the best possible nourishment one can get.
Gardening gives us both uncertainty and certainty at the same time.
Oh, and because we’re all about the tips here! If you don’t intend to grow onions (or other allium), you still have a couple of weeks remaining before you really have to get started with raising those seeds. We grow a ton of our own onions, all from seed, so starting a full twelve weeks to last frost is an important timeline for us.