Keeping Track Of Multiple Hardening Off Schedules

Indoor sowing season is almost coming to an end! With this coming weekend, we’ll finally be sowing our cukes and some of our fastest growing flowers. It’s always a relief when we get to this point! We’ve sowed nearly 1,600 seeds indoors this year, a new record around here!

We are hopeful that the snow is going to recede mighty fast here. Given our relatively high elevation (1,500 feet), we’re usually a bit behind lower elevations, but this is the first year where I’ve doubted we’ll be able to direct sow our cold hardy crops into our beds around two weeks to last frost. We’re definitely playing things by ear this season, but there’s still three weeks for things to develop. May 20th is our target day, but we’ll judge it on conditions. Once overnight temperatures get above freezing, things happen really, really fast.

If you’ve got multiple sets of plants hardening off in different phases/schedules, a good tip is to mark your trays or pots with your schedule using a removable marker. If you use black trays, there’s white chalk markers that work just as well. Simply remove the appropriate number each day you harden off. It can be especially difficult to keep track of things in late springs like this one, since so much starts happening all at once. This helps you from confusing your plants hardening off schedules, especially helpful when there’s many things in flight.

We’re aiming to clear out our greenhouse tomorrow night, we need to make room for our seedlings! That’s one of the drawbacks of using your greenhouse for garden storage, you’ve got to pull everything out only to put things back in. It’s a good thing we are experts in picking things up and putting them down!

We hope all your gardens are coming together like ours is! Our second livestream is coming up this Saturday, we are looking forward to it! See the event details in the comments!

Frosty Garden Livestream!

That’s All We Wrote!

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