Who Is FrostyGarden.com? Allow Us To Introduce Ourselves…

Oh, before we get too far ahead of ourselves this season! We’d like to introduce ourselves. Especially for the 200+ new people that are following us this season! But, also if you don’t yet know anything about us. Welcome!

We are Jeff and Kayde. Frosty Garden is our little creation and we’ve been working on it for nine years now! We are a couple of active gardeners that have been growing in cold climates for decades. Today, we’re gardening just below 65 degrees north, smack in the middle of zone 2 subarctic Alaska. We aim to share our experience and knowledge through what we call social gardening. We aren’t “master gardeners” but rather lifelong students of learning, improving and refining our craft.

On this page, we talk a lot about tips, tricks, trials and tribulations that we go through in our growing process. We talk about growing from seed, growing indoors, cold climate gardening, food preservation and pretty much the gamut of growing food and flowers in cold climates. From beginner to advanced, success to failure, we try to touch it all. We love to chat with you, hear your experiences and aim to help those out that need it.

We’ve bucked the “norm” of typical low quality social media nonsense, typically aiming for meaningful, helpful and worthwhile one minute reads. We love to infuse history, culture, geography, deep thinking and various disciplines into our posts. We assume you are intelligent and deserve high quality, thoughtful content.

We operate nine different gardens with different food and flower focuses. From annuals to hardy perennials, we’re doing it all in a place that is sometimes colder than Mars. We use a lot of different techniques, usually aimed at reducing labor and dealing with the challenges of our extreme cold climate. We are just “regular people” trying to achieve some level of self-sustenance and self-reliance, balancing full time jobs and all of life’s demands. Our gardens currently supply about 15 to 20 percent of our annual food needs.

If you want the “full picture” of our efforts, we’re in a few different places. Our website (FrostyGarden.com) is our most comprehensive resource, with dozens of in-depth articles across lots of topics. We also replicate our informative Facebook posts there, in case you want an alternate feed. You can also find us on YouTube and Rumble where we’re currently exploring in-depth educational gardening content and “how we do it” things. We’re also on Instagram, where we’ll occasionally put up some of our gardening related pictures. Oh yeah, and we have a Pinterest thing too.

In case you don’t know, all social media works on the concept of engagement. If you regularly engage us with a like or comment, you’ll be more likely to see our stuff. If you don’t, you might miss out. So, if you want to regularly see our stuff, that’s the deal these days. We also recognize that sometimes we hit the mark, sometimes we don’t. In the end, we immensely appreciate your support, engagement and offering us an opportunity to test both turbulent and placid waters with our thoughts, efforts and ideas.

We look forward to growing with you in 2024! Thanks for following us. We wish you luck, health and fortitude for the future!

That’s All We Wrote!

Having a good time?  We have an ever growing list of insightful and helpful subarctic & cold climate gardening articles, waiting out there for you!

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2 comments… add one
  • Kjersti E Bowen Jul 24, 2024 @ 13:26

    So happy to find the wonderful resources and information you are offering, thank you!

    • Jeff Jul 24, 2024 @ 15:58

      Glad you found us! Thanks for the supportive comment.

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